end of second half
1-0 | G - Ben Seymour , Hampton and Richmond
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
26 Shot blocked by Cheshire leads to a throw in for H&R 0-0 theterras.mixlr.com #TerrasTogether
Yellow: Charlie Rowan
21 Free Kick to H&R in the middle doubtable foul by Keelan 0-0 theterras.mixlr.com #TerrasTogether
18 Shot by O'Connell, comfortable save by the keeper
17 Stoppage whilst Match Ball is changed! 0-0 theterras.mixlr.com #TerrasTogether
15 mins 0:0
14 Shot, and best chance so far but glides over the bar
13 Clumsy play by H&R leads to another free kick 25 Yards out 0-0 theterras.mixlr.com #TerrasTogether
12 Free Kick, foul on Hamblin, 30 yards in Hampton half 0-0 theterras.mixlr.com #TerrasTogether
11 Shot by H&R over the bar. 0-0 theterras.mixlr.com #TerrasTogether
Weymouth VS Hampton and Richmond
end of second half
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
1-0 | G - Ben Seymour , Hampton and Richmond
Weymouth VS Hampton and Richmond
Start of 2nd half
Weymouth VS Hampton and Richmond
end of first half
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
26 Shot blocked by Cheshire leads to a throw in for H&R
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
Yellow: Charlie Rowan
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
21 Free Kick to H&R in the middle doubtable foul by Keelan
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
18 Shot by O'Connell, comfortable save by the keeper
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
17 Stoppage whilst Match Ball is changed!
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
15 mins 0:0
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
14 Shot, and best chance so far but glides over the bar
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
13 Clumsy play by H&R leads to another free kick 25 Yards out
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
12 Free Kick, foul on Hamblin, 30 yards in Hampton half
Hampton and Richmond VS Weymouth
11 Shot by H&R over the bar.