end of second half
0-1 | Goal - Hayden Campbell , Curzon Ashton FC
72' Hayhurst manages to win us our second corner of the afternoon, manufacturing a deflection off of Maye. 0-0 #UTN | #TheNash
73' Richards' ball in was claimed by Jack Harding. 0-0 #UTN | #TheNash
68| Obadeyi through on goal, straight at the keeper. A very good chance there for the Puritans.
69' BIG SAVE! Cam Mason was off his line quickly to deny the onrushing Obadeyi with his right hand. 0-0 #UTN | #TheNash
67' GREAT EFFORT, STEFAN MOLS! Jordan Richards found Mols with an early ball, his volley from the edge of the area went inches wide. 0-0 #UTN | #TheNash
65| Wrong side of the post for the Nash, hits the side netting.
Comes to nothing. Groans from the stands.
63| Obadeyi wins Banbury a free-kick.
64' Waring concedes a free-kick in a dangerous position for a clumsy foul. 0-0 #UTN | #TheNash
65' D'Ath's ball in clears the box and out for a goal kick. 0-0 #UTN | #TheNash
Curzon Ashton FC VS Banbury United
end of second half
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
0-1 | Goal - Hayden Campbell , Curzon Ashton FC
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
72' Hayhurst manages to win us our second corner of the afternoon, manufacturing a deflection off of Maye.
#UTN | #TheNash
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
73' Richards' ball in was claimed by Jack Harding.
#UTN | #TheNash
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
68| Obadeyi through on goal, straight at the keeper. A very good chance there for the Puritans.
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
69' BIG SAVE! Cam Mason was off his line quickly to deny the onrushing Obadeyi with his right hand.
#UTN | #TheNash
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
67' GREAT EFFORT, STEFAN MOLS! Jordan Richards found Mols with an early ball, his volley from the edge of the area went inches wide.
#UTN | #TheNash
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
65| Wrong side of the post for the Nash, hits the side netting.
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
Comes to nothing. Groans from the stands.
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
63| Obadeyi wins Banbury a free-kick.
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
64' Waring concedes a free-kick in a dangerous position for a clumsy foul.
#UTN | #TheNash
Banbury United VS Curzon Ashton FC
65' D'Ath's ball in clears the box and out for a goal kick.
#UTN | #TheNash