end of second half
78| Shot from Hewitt is deflected into the keepers hands.
77| Goal Chorley, they make it four. 1-4
76| Charles crosses it to Manny and it gets stuck between his legs in the box.
71| Scramble in the box for the Puritans and shouts for handball.
68| Davies whips in a cross and Charless header is tipped over the bar.
67| Simeon Maye has to defend well to stop a dangerous counter attack.
1-4 | Goal - Marco Rus , Chorley
63| Obadeyis shot is blocked for a corner.
62| Chorley have a cross flash pass goal, close.
51| Goal. Its been all the visitors so far and they make 1-3. 1-3
47| Curling shot from the Chorley winger goes just over.
Chorley VS Banbury United
end of second half
Banbury United VS Chorley
78| Shot from Hewitt is deflected into the keepers hands.
Banbury United VS Chorley
77| Goal Chorley, they make it four.
Banbury United VS Chorley
76| Charles crosses it to Manny and it gets stuck between his legs in the box.
Banbury United VS Chorley
71| Scramble in the box for the Puritans and shouts for handball.
Banbury United VS Chorley
68| Davies whips in a cross and Charless header is tipped over the bar.
Banbury United VS Chorley
67| Simeon Maye has to defend well to stop a dangerous counter attack.
Banbury United VS Chorley
1-4 | Goal - Marco Rus , Chorley
Banbury United VS Chorley
63| Obadeyis shot is blocked for a corner.
Banbury United VS Chorley
62| Chorley have a cross flash pass goal, close.
Banbury United VS Chorley
51| Goal. Its been all the visitors so far and they make 1-3.
Banbury United VS Chorley
47| Curling shot from the Chorley winger goes just over.