end of second half
1-1 | Goal - Alexander Whitmore , Solihull Moors
1-0 | Goal - Reece Smith , Maidenhead United
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Match kickoff
Newcastle lose more than they win when they're without Nick Pope A look at just how important Pope is to the Magpies https://t.co/7alIEMsDCC #NEWLEI https://t.co/5XxPQ8QdPJ
Solihull Moors VS Maidenhead United
end of second half
Maidenhead United VS Solihull Moors
1-1 | Goal - Alexander Whitmore , Solihull Moors
Maidenhead United VS Solihull Moors
1-0 | Goal - Reece Smith , Maidenhead United
Solihull Moors VS Maidenhead United
Start of 2nd half
Solihull Moors VS Maidenhead United
end of first half
Solihull Moors VS Maidenhead United
Match kickoff
Maidenhead United VS Solihull Moors
Newcastle lose more than they win when they're without Nick Pope
A look at just how important Pope is to the Magpies https://t.co/7alIEMsDCC
#NEWLEI https://t.co/5XxPQ8QdPJ