end of second half
4-0 | Goal - Kabongo Tshimanga , Boreham Wood
70 CHANCE! Jon Ustbasi's strike is pushed away from danger by Ashmore. 3-0 | #BornToBeFylde
69 Our final changes of proceedings. 3-0 | #BornToBeFylde. .
45 We make a half-time change. 3-0 | #BornToBeFylde
Back to it. #BornToBeFylde
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
We have it all to do. #BornToBeFylde
42 Robinson extends the home side's lead. 3-0 | #BornToBeFylde
27 The home side double their lead as Ethan Mitchell turns the ball into his own goal. 2-0 | #BornToBeFylde
5 Boreham Wood take the lead through Tshimanga. 1-0 | #BornToBeFylde
It's that time of the week again! #BornToBeFylde
That away kit though.
AFC Fylde VS Boreham Wood
end of second half
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
4-0 | Goal - Kabongo Tshimanga , Boreham Wood
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
Jon Ustbasi's strike is pushed away from danger by Ashmore.
3-0 | #BornToBeFylde
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
69 Our final changes of proceedings.
3-0 | #BornToBeFylde. .
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
45 We make a half-time change.
3-0 | #BornToBeFylde
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
Back to it.
AFC Fylde VS Boreham Wood
Start of 2nd half
AFC Fylde VS Boreham Wood
end of first half
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
We have it all to do.
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
42 Robinson extends the home side's lead.
3-0 | #BornToBeFylde
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
27 The home side double their lead as Ethan Mitchell turns the ball into his own goal.
2-0 | #BornToBeFylde
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
5 Boreham Wood take the lead through Tshimanga.
1-0 | #BornToBeFylde
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
It's that time of the week again!
Boreham Wood VS AFC Fylde
That away kit though.