end of second half
1-0 | Goal - Kwame Thomas , Aldershot Town
82' Great save from Keeley denies the home side the opener. 0-0 #BarnetFC
81' Aldershot have the ball in the back of the net but it's ruled out for a foul on Keeley. 0-0 #BarnetFC
79' Second change 0-0 #BarnetFC
78' Scramble on the goal line between The Shots keeper and Stead. Keeper manages to collect the ball. 0-0 #BarnetFC
76' Keeper collects the corner. 0-0 #BarnetFC
73' Free-kick goes out for a goal kick. 0-0 #BarnetFC
72' Free-kick for The Bees just outside the Aldershot box. 0-0 #BarnetFC
69' First change for The Bees. 0-0 #BarnetFC
51' Fingertip save from Keeley goes over for an Aldershot corner. 0-0 #BarnetFC
49' Thompson booked. 0-0 #BarnetFC
Barnet VS Aldershot Town
end of second half
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
1-0 | Goal - Kwame Thomas , Aldershot Town
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
82' Great save from Keeley denies the home side the opener.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
81' Aldershot have the ball in the back of the net but it's ruled out for a foul on Keeley.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
79' Second change
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
78' Scramble on the goal line between The Shots keeper and Stead. Keeper manages to collect the ball.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
76' Keeper collects the corner.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
73' Free-kick goes out for a goal kick.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
72' Free-kick for The Bees just outside the Aldershot box.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
69' First change for The Bees.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
51' Fingertip save from Keeley goes over for an Aldershot corner.
Aldershot Town VS Barnet
49' Thompson booked.