end of second half
2-1 | Goal - Elliot Lee , Wrexham
Wrexham substitution Jacob Mendy Ryan Barnett 69 | Wrexham AFC 1-1 Sutton United #WxmAFC
ATTENDANCE | 10,183 A packed house under the lights #WxmAFC
Goal, Sutton equalise. 59 | Wrexham AFC 1-1 Sutton United #WxmAFC
An important half to come! #WxmAFC
James Jones restarts the second 45 minutes! #WxmAFC
HALF TIME | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United Paul Mullin's sublime finish the difference at the break! #WxmAFC
First Half Added Time | Three minutes 45 | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United #WxmAFC
First Wrexham substitution Ben Tozer Eoghan OConnell Tozer replaces OConnell who sadly goes off injured. 30 | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United #WxmAFC
Simply sensational! #WxmAFC
A superb effort from Paul Mullin curls into the top corner, leaving Dean Bouzanis with no chance of saving it! 14 | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United #WxmAFC
Sutton United VS Wrexham
end of second half
Wrexham VS Sutton United
2-1 | Goal - Elliot Lee , Wrexham
Wrexham VS Sutton United
Wrexham substitution
Jacob Mendy
Ryan Barnett
69 | Wrexham AFC 1-1 Sutton United
Wrexham VS Sutton United
A packed house under the lights
Wrexham VS Sutton United
Goal, Sutton equalise.
59 | Wrexham AFC 1-1 Sutton United
Wrexham VS Sutton United
An important half to come!
Wrexham VS Sutton United
James Jones restarts the second 45 minutes!
Wrexham VS Sutton United
HALF TIME | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United
Paul Mullin's sublime finish the difference at the break!
Wrexham VS Sutton United
First Half Added Time | Three minutes
45 | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United
Wrexham VS Sutton United
First Wrexham substitution
Ben Tozer
Eoghan OConnell
Tozer replaces OConnell who sadly goes off injured.
30 | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United
Wrexham VS Sutton United
Simply sensational!
Wrexham VS Sutton United
A superb effort from Paul Mullin curls into the top corner, leaving Dean Bouzanis with no chance of saving it!
14 | Wrexham AFC 1-0 Sutton United