end of second half
3-0 | Goal - Emmanuel Adegboyega , Walsall
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
HALF-TIME: Work to do in the second half. #UTS | #WALvMOR
45+1' - We'll play a minimum of 2 additional minutes at the end of the first half. 2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
40' - Jake Taylor's free kick is punched clear by Smith. 2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
37' - Cleared at the near post by Joel Senior. 2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
38' - Taylor Allen's powerful strike is straight at Mair. 2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
36' - The initial corner is cleared before the second cross is caught high by Smith. 2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
35' - Slew cuts inside before striking at goal, his shot takes a deflection and the #Shrimps have a corner. 2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
25' - Senior's strike from the edge of the box is comfortable for Jackson Smith. 1-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
23' - Brandon Comley is booked for delaying the restart after the #Shrimps won a free kick. 1-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
20' - The cross is headed away before Charlie Brown tries his luck from distance but can't find the target. 1-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Morecambe VS Walsall
end of second half
Walsall VS Morecambe
3-0 | Goal - Emmanuel Adegboyega , Walsall
Morecambe VS Walsall
Start of 2nd half
Morecambe VS Walsall
end of first half
Walsall VS Morecambe
HALF-TIME: Work to do in the second half.
Walsall VS Morecambe
45+1' - We'll play a minimum of 2 additional minutes at the end of the first half.
2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
40' - Jake Taylor's free kick is punched clear by Smith.
2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
37' - Cleared at the near post by Joel Senior.
2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
38' - Taylor Allen's powerful strike is straight at Mair.
2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
36' - The initial corner is cleared before the second cross is caught high by Smith.
2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
35' - Slew cuts inside before striking at goal, his shot takes a deflection and the #Shrimps have a corner.
2-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
25' - Senior's strike from the edge of the box is comfortable for Jackson Smith.
1-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
23' - Brandon Comley is booked for delaying the restart after the #Shrimps won a free kick.
1-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR
Walsall VS Morecambe
20' - The cross is headed away before Charlie Brown tries his luck from distance but can't find the target.
1-0 | #UTS | #WALvMOR