end of second half
80' Adebisi comes in from the left and fires over the bar with his right foot. [2-0] #CreweAlex
77' Stirk lashes wide for the hosts. [2-0] #CreweAlex
71' Long is shown a yellow card. [2-0] #CreweAlex
69' White looks to catch Smith out with a low shot but the Walsall 'keeper is behind it. [2-0] #CreweAlex
68' Long wins a corner as his first-time shot is deflected behind. [2-0] #CreweAlex
64' Welcome back Longy! [2-0] #CreweAlex
61' Goal. Walsall. McEntee heads in a second. [2-0] #CreweAlex
59' Demetriou's effort cannons back off a Walsall body inside the box! [1-0] #CreweAlex
56' GETTING CLOSER! Demetriou's ball into the box is nodded just past the post by Baker-Richardson! [1-0] #CreweAlex
54' Referee hands another card out to an Alex player, this time it is for O'Riordan. [1-0] #CreweAlex
Crewe Alexandra VS Walsall
end of second half
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
80' Adebisi comes in from the left and fires over the bar with his right foot.
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
77' Stirk lashes wide for the hosts.
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
71' Long is shown a yellow card.
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
69' White looks to catch Smith out with a low shot but the Walsall 'keeper is behind it.
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
68' Long wins a corner as his first-time shot is deflected behind.
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
64' Welcome back Longy!
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
61' Goal. Walsall.
McEntee heads in a second.
[2-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
59' Demetriou's effort cannons back off a Walsall body inside the box!
[1-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
Demetriou's ball into the box is nodded just past the post by Baker-Richardson!
[1-0] #CreweAlex
Walsall VS Crewe Alexandra
54' Referee hands another card out to an Alex player, this time it is for O'Riordan.
[1-0] #CreweAlex