end of second half
0-1 | Goal - Harvey Bunker , Forest Green Rovers
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
18' Shot from McAllister after the U's wanted a free kick given, safely over the bar. SUFC 0-0 FGR #suttonunited
6' Whipped in corner from Sutton and it comes back off the bar SUFC 0-0 FGR #suttonunited
3' Early booking for Troy Deeney for kicking the ball away after a foul. SUFC 0-0 FGR #suttonunited
1 Kick off | FGR win the toss and turn us round, shooting to GGL end for this first half. Us kick off. SUFC 0-0 FGR #suttonunited
We are ready at the VBS. Lets go Us #suttonunited
Hi @jennythegiraffe #suttonunited
Heres how the visitors lineup
LINEUP @FGRFC_Official Matt Gray shows faith in the players who played so well on Tuesday night at Wycombe. Lets Go Us! #SuttonUnited | #ForeverAmber
Save 2 when you buy online! suttonunitedfc.ktckts.com/ev Also check into @FutbologyApp for your chance to win a photo with your mates in the dugout! #futbology | #SuttonUnited
Match kickoff
Strike force! #WeAreFGR
Forest Green Rovers VS Sutton United
end of second half
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
0-1 | Goal - Harvey Bunker , Forest Green Rovers
Forest Green Rovers VS Sutton United
Start of 2nd half
Forest Green Rovers VS Sutton United
end of first half
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
18' Shot from McAllister after the U's wanted a free kick given, safely over the bar.
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
6' Whipped in corner from Sutton and it comes back off the bar
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
3' Early booking for Troy Deeney for kicking the ball away after a foul.
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
1 Kick off | FGR win the toss and turn us round, shooting to GGL end for this first half. Us kick off.
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
We are ready at the VBS. Lets go Us
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
Hi @jennythegiraffe
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
Heres how the visitors lineup
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
Matt Gray shows faith in the players who played so well on Tuesday night at Wycombe.
Lets Go Us!
#SuttonUnited | #ForeverAmber
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
Save 2 when you buy online!
Also check into @FutbologyApp for your chance to win a photo with your mates in the dugout!
#futbology | #SuttonUnited
Forest Green Rovers VS Sutton United
Match kickoff
Sutton United VS Forest Green Rovers
Strike force!