Stirk takes a quick free-kick down the line to McEntee and his superb cross find Draper eight yards out and his bullet header leaves Cairns with no chance!
10' - Smith steals a loose touch in the Walsall area and forces Evans to tip a cross out to the edge of the box, Mallan is there and his shot is deflected wide.
Walsall VS Salford City
end of second half
Salford City VS Walsall
1-2 | Goal - Oisin McEntee , Walsall
Salford City VS Walsall
59' - What a goal that is!!
Stirk takes a quick free-kick down the line to McEntee and his superb cross find Draper eight yards out and his bullet header leaves Cairns with no chance!
1-1 #Saddlers
Salford City VS Walsall
Salford City VS Walsall
56' - Today's official attendance is 2,847 including 696 travelling #Saddlers fans!
Thank you for your support today!
1-0 #Saddlers
Salford City VS Walsall
51' - A good breakaway from the home side as Ingram races down the right and crosses for Smith but it's just too far in front of him
1-0 #Saddlers
Salford City VS Walsall
Two changes for the #Saddlers at the start of the second half...
Salford City VS Walsall
Back underway for the second half!
Salford City VS Walsall
10' - Smith steals a loose touch in the Walsall area and forces Evans to tip a cross out to the edge of the box, Mallan is there and his shot is deflected wide.
[0-0] #SALWAL
Salford City VS Walsall
5' - Strong start from The Ammies.
McAleny forced a low save from Evans, both John and Bolton have also got into dangerous positions to deliver crosses into the Walsall box.
[0-0] #SALWAL
Salford City VS Walsall
1' - Let's get at 'em, Ammies
[0-0] #SALWAL || @salboyltd
Salford City VS Walsall
Getting a sweat on