end of second half
2-2 | Goal - Luke Garbutt , Salford City
79' - Watson tests Lo-Tutala with a powerful effort from distance. [1-2] #SALDON
70' - Second switch: Nmai Morton [1-1] #SALDON
46' - We make a half-time change: Ingram John [1-1] #SALDON
46' - Back out after the break. [1-1] #SALDON || @salboyltd
81' - Adelakun breaks through and fires wide. [1-2]#SALDON
80' - Cairns does brilliantly to come out and stop Adelakun, who was through on goal. [1-2]#SALDON
67 | A change for Rovers OFF Billy Waters ON Harrison Biggins 1-1 #drfc
64 | A booking for Matthew Craig 1-1 #drfc
63 | A booking for Salford's Luke Garbutt 1-1 #drfc
61 | A booking for Curtis Tilt of Salford 1-1 #drfc
Doncaster Rovers VS Salford City
end of second half
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
2-2 | Goal - Luke Garbutt , Salford City
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
79' - Watson tests Lo-Tutala with a powerful effort from distance.
[1-2] #SALDON
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
70' - Second switch:
Nmai Morton
[1-1] #SALDON
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
46' - We make a half-time change:
Ingram John
[1-1] #SALDON
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
46' - Back out after the break.
[1-1] #SALDON || @salboyltd
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
81' - Adelakun breaks through and fires wide.
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
80' - Cairns does brilliantly to come out and stop Adelakun, who was through on goal.
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
67 | A change for Rovers
Billy Waters
Harrison Biggins
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
64 | A booking for Matthew Craig
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
63 | A booking for Salford's Luke Garbutt
Salford City VS Doncaster Rovers
61 | A booking for Curtis Tilt of Salford