end of second half
0-4 | Goal - Adam Campbell , Crawley Town
0-3 | Goal - Laurence Maguire , Crawley Town
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
0-2 | Goal - Ronan Darcy , Crawley Town
0-1 | Goal - Dion Conroy , Crawley Town
Match kickoff
come from behind to win, and they take their chance to go top of the table! With coming up next, will the Reds end the day there? #LIVBHA
Crawley Town VS Newport County
end of second half
Newport County VS Crawley Town
0-4 | Goal - Adam Campbell , Crawley Town
Newport County VS Crawley Town
0-3 | Goal - Laurence Maguire , Crawley Town
Crawley Town VS Newport County
Start of 2nd half
Crawley Town VS Newport County
end of first half
Newport County VS Crawley Town
0-2 | Goal - Ronan Darcy , Crawley Town
Newport County VS Crawley Town
0-1 | Goal - Dion Conroy , Crawley Town
Crawley Town VS Newport County
Match kickoff
Newport County VS Crawley Town
come from behind to win, and they take their chance to go top of the table!
With coming up next, will the Reds end the day there?