end of second half
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
26' Barrow counter as a cutback for Proctor was saved by Oxley 0-1
22' Spence with a long range effort to open the scoring 0-1
0-1 | Goal - Kian Spence , Barrow AFC
8' Thomson picks up a dangerous position on the edge of the area but he drags his shot wide 0-0
2' McDonald with an early block after Spence found space in the area 0-0
Tom White gets the match underway 0-0
15 to go
Leading the line @J_muldoon11
Rod returns
The sun is shining here at The EnviroVent
Nearly kick-off time #WeAreBarrow
Barrow AFC VS Harrogate Town
end of second half
Barrow AFC VS Harrogate Town
Start of 2nd half
Barrow AFC VS Harrogate Town
end of first half
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
26' Barrow counter as a cutback for Proctor was saved by Oxley
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
22' Spence with a long range effort to open the scoring
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
0-1 | Goal - Kian Spence , Barrow AFC
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
8' Thomson picks up a dangerous position on the edge of the area but he drags his shot wide
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
2' McDonald with an early block after Spence found space in the area
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
Tom White gets the match underway
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
15 to go
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
Leading the line @J_muldoon11
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
Rod returns
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
The sun is shining here at The EnviroVent
Harrogate Town VS Barrow AFC
Nearly kick-off time