end of second half
0-4 | Goal - Ollie Clarke , Mansfield Town
85 | Forest Green 0-3 #Stags Boateng fires over from close range.
84' Another change... Omotoye Stevens 0-3 | #WeAreFGR
81 | Forest Green 0-3 #Stags Lewis, Boateng, McLaughlin Swan, Maris, Williams
78 | Forest Green 0-3 #Stags Akins squares the ball for Swan who slots home into the corner, first-time, to extend our advantage.
78' Goal. A third for Mansfield as Swan finds the back of the net. 0-3 | #WeAreFGR
73' Two changes for Rovers... Jones, Bernard Dabo, Thompson 0-2 | #WeAreFGR
73 | Forest Green 0-2 #Stags Quinn, Akins Keillor-Dunn, Nichols
71' Pym gets down low to keep out Doidgey's curling shot. 0-2 | #WeAreFGR
69 | Forest Green 0-2 #Stags Swan holds the ball up well before finding his strike partner, Nichols, who takes a touch before drilling a pinpoint strike into the bottom corner.
Mansfield Town VS Forest Green Rovers
end of second half
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
0-4 | Goal - Ollie Clarke , Mansfield Town
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
85 | Forest Green 0-3 #Stags
Boateng fires over from close range.
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
84' Another change...
0-3 | #WeAreFGR
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
81 | Forest Green 0-3 #Stags
Lewis, Boateng, McLaughlin
Swan, Maris, Williams
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
78 | Forest Green 0-3 #Stags
Akins squares the ball for Swan who slots home into the corner, first-time, to extend our advantage.
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
78' Goal. A third for Mansfield as Swan finds the back of the net.
0-3 | #WeAreFGR
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
73' Two changes for Rovers...
Jones, Bernard
Dabo, Thompson
0-2 | #WeAreFGR
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
73 | Forest Green 0-2 #Stags
Quinn, Akins
Keillor-Dunn, Nichols
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
71' Pym gets down low to keep out Doidgey's curling shot.
0-2 | #WeAreFGR
Forest Green Rovers VS Mansfield Town
69 | Forest Green 0-2 #Stags
Swan holds the ball up well before finding his strike partner, Nichols, who takes a touch before drilling a pinpoint strike into the bottom corner.