Match Stats

Forest Green Rovers vs Gillingham FC

Forest Green Rovers

Forest Green Rovers

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0 - 0

Gillingham FC

Gillingham FC

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  • 1st half score: 0 - 0
  • 2nd half score: 0 - 0
  • Date:22/12/2023
  • Time:19:00
  • Venue:The New Lawn
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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    50' (0-0) Another corner is headed away by Inniss. Mahoney gets another go, lots of shirt pulling for this one. Ball misses everybody and away for a goal-kick.


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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    48' (0-0) McKenzie's cross deflected for a corner.

    Mahoney is on duty. Referee has a quiet word with one or two, Inniss heads it clear.


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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    46' (0-0) Second half underway.


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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    45' (0-0) There will be two added minutes.


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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    43' (0-0) Free-kick from FGR into the danger zone. Inniss wins a header, Turner has to back track quickly and tips it over the bar for a corner.

    McCann with the delivery, Masterson wins the first ball. Comes back in, Stevens has a free header but puts it straight at Turner.

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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    34' (0-0) Chance for FGR, corner kick routine sees McCann play a low ball into the box. Matty Stevens back tracks, receives it 12 yards out but fires over.


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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    31' (0-0) Malone has to back track quickly as #Gills lose possession. He tracks the runner, puts in a tackle. The player goes down inside the box, the referee has a look but decides he got some of the ball.

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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    25' (0-0) FGR keeper, Luke Daniels, booked for handball outside of his box, free-kick to #Gills.

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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    27' (0-0) Connor Mahoney's free-kick goes over the bar.


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    Forest Green Rovers VS Gillingham FC

    20' (0-0) Big chance for FGR, Charlie McCann tees up Callum Morton whose effort is well saved by Turner.

    The hosts keep it alive, cross into the box finds McCann, his looping header gathered by JT.


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