end of second half
1-0 | Goal - Rio Adebisi , Crewe Alexandra
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
45+3' CLOSE! Demetriou's delivery is met by Nevitt, who can only hit the side-netting! [0-0] #CreweAlex
Level at half-time. #CreweAlex
HALF-TIME Nothing to separate the two sides so far, and it's goalless at the break. #TownTeamTogether
45' 3 minutes added. [0-0] #CreweAlex
42' Nevitt's shot on the edge is blocked for a corner. [0-0] #CreweAlex
Orsi has a shot blocked after a neat flick from Conroy. 0-0 39' | #TownTeamTogether
39' Good work by the Alex. They manage to get the ball out to Adebisi who clips a ball into the box, but Addai comes and claims it. [0-0] #CreweAlex
37' OFF THE POST! Nevitt's strike on the angle cannons back off the woodwork! [0-0] #CreweAlex
Nevitt strikes the woodwork from inside the area. 0-0 37' | #TownTeamTogether
Anfield erupts as Diogo Jota fires the Reds ahead with a header from a corner kick Stream #PL live: bitly.ws/ELdc
Crawley Town VS Crewe Alexandra
end of second half
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
1-0 | Goal - Rio Adebisi , Crewe Alexandra
Crawley Town VS Crewe Alexandra
Start of 2nd half
Crawley Town VS Crewe Alexandra
end of first half
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
45+3' CLOSE!
Demetriou's delivery is met by Nevitt, who can only hit the side-netting!
[0-0] #CreweAlex
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
Level at half-time.
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
Nothing to separate the two sides so far, and it's goalless at the break.
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
45' 3 minutes added.
[0-0] #CreweAlex
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
42' Nevitt's shot on the edge is blocked for a corner.
[0-0] #CreweAlex
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
Orsi has a shot blocked after a neat flick from Conroy.
39' | #TownTeamTogether
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
39' Good work by the Alex. They manage to get the ball out to Adebisi who clips a ball into the box, but Addai comes and claims it.
[0-0] #CreweAlex
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
Nevitt's strike on the angle cannons back off the woodwork!
[0-0] #CreweAlex
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
Nevitt strikes the woodwork from inside the area.
37' | #TownTeamTogether
Crewe Alexandra VS Crawley Town
Anfield erupts as Diogo Jota fires the Reds ahead with a header from a corner kick
Stream #PL live: bitly.ws/ELdc