end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Klaidi Lolos , Crawley Town
Pushing for the equaliser. 1-0 | #WeAreFGR
51' A really swift counter-attacking move from Rovers as the ball finds Oyedele down the right, he drags it back to McCann who fires a shot at Addai. 1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Two changes at the break... Oyedele, Bunker McAllister, Stevens 1-0 | #WeAreFGR
A goal behind. #WeAreFGR
44' Reyes forced into action as he pushes Darcy's shot away from danger. 1-0 | #WeAreFGR
41' Nearly an instant reply as Osadebe nearly finds the top corner with a volley. 1-0 | #WeAreFGR
39' Goal. Crawley lead through Orsi. 1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Super Stevie Cotterill. 0-0 | #WeAreFGR
30 minutes played. 0-0 | #WeAreFGR
23' Reyes comes out to claim the ball after Tsaroulla went on a mazy run. 0-0 | #WeAreFGR
Forest Green Rovers VS Crawley Town
end of second half
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
2-0 | Goal - Klaidi Lolos , Crawley Town
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
Pushing for the equaliser.
1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
51' A really swift counter-attacking move from Rovers as the ball finds Oyedele down the right, he drags it back to McCann who fires a shot at Addai.
1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
Two changes at the break...
Oyedele, Bunker
McAllister, Stevens
1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
A goal behind.
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
44' Reyes forced into action as he pushes Darcy's shot away from danger.
1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
41' Nearly an instant reply as Osadebe nearly finds the top corner with a volley.
1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
39' Goal. Crawley lead through Orsi.
1-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
Super Stevie Cotterill.
0-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
30 minutes played.
0-0 | #WeAreFGR
Crawley Town VS Forest Green Rovers
23' Reyes comes out to claim the ball after Tsaroulla went on a mazy run.
0-0 | #WeAreFGR