end of second half
3-0 | Goal - Korede Adedoyin , Accrington Stanley
74 - Fourth change for the Reds. Adedoyin Leigh #asfc 1-0 #ncafc accringtonstanley.co.uk/ifol
66' Wildig looks to slot Palmer-Houlden in but it is claimed by Savin. 1-0
66 - Three changes for the Reds. Whalley, Quirk and Longelo Mellor, McConville and Nolan #asfc 1-0 #ncafc accringtonstanley.co.uk/ifol
2-0 | Goal - Shaun Whalley , Accrington Stanley
62' Chance for County after the ball bounces around the box it falls to Lewis, who's shot goes over the bar. 1-0
61' County have had the majority of the chances second half, so far. We're unlucky not to be level. 1-0
58' Nearly the leveller. Will Evans intercepts a pass at the back and beats the keeper but his shot goes just wide from a tight angle. 1-0
Substitution for Newport County. 1-0
52' Foul on Will Evans. Newport free kick. 1-0
51 - A Shipley header is kept out well by Townsend. #asfc 1-0 #ncafc accringtonstanley.co.uk/ifol
50' Unreal save by Townsend to deny Accrington a second. 1-0
Newport County VS Accrington Stanley
end of second half
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
3-0 | Goal - Korede Adedoyin , Accrington Stanley
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
74 - Fourth change for the Reds.
#asfc 1-0 #ncafc
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
66' Wildig looks to slot Palmer-Houlden in but it is claimed by Savin.
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
66 - Three changes for the Reds.
Whalley, Quirk and Longelo
Mellor, McConville and Nolan
#asfc 1-0 #ncafc
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
2-0 | Goal - Shaun Whalley , Accrington Stanley
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
62' Chance for County after the ball bounces around the box it falls to Lewis, who's shot goes over the bar.
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
61' County have had the majority of the chances second half, so far. We're unlucky not to be level.
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
58' Nearly the leveller.
Will Evans intercepts a pass at the back and beats the keeper but his shot goes just wide from a tight angle.
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
Substitution for Newport County.
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
52' Foul on Will Evans.
Newport free kick.
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
51 - A Shipley header is kept out well by Townsend.
#asfc 1-0 #ncafc
Accrington Stanley VS Newport County
50' Unreal save by Townsend to deny Accrington a second.