end of second half
2-2 | Goal - Joe Garner , Carlisle United
80' Reid got into the box again but Andresson made the save. 2 - 1 #cufc
78' Louis Thompson replaced by Ben Thompson for Stevenage. 2 - 1 #cufc
GOAL for Stevenage - Reid scored again #cufc
75' We're now having the official water break. 2 - 1 #cufc
73' Roberts booked for a late foul on Mellish. 1 - 1 #cufc
73' Corner for us. 1 - 1 #cufc
69' Back under way, Stevenage still down to ten men at the moment. 1 - 1 #cufc
67' Time for another water break as Piergianni is down getting treatment. 1 - 1 #cufc
2-1 | Goal - Jamie Reid , Stevenage
59' Stevenage got the free kick away. 1 - 1 #cufc
58' Garner pushed over 25 yards out, free kick for us on our left. 1 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Stevenage
end of second half
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
2-2 | Goal - Joe Garner , Carlisle United
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
80' Reid got into the box again but Andresson made the save.
2 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
78' Louis Thompson replaced by Ben Thompson for Stevenage.
2 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
GOAL for Stevenage - Reid scored again #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
75' We're now having the official water break.
2 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
73' Roberts booked for a late foul on Mellish.
1 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
73' Corner for us.
1 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
69' Back under way, Stevenage still down to ten men at the moment.
1 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
67' Time for another water break as Piergianni is down getting treatment.
1 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
2-1 | Goal - Jamie Reid , Stevenage
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
59' Stevenage got the free kick away.
1 - 1 #cufc
Stevenage VS Carlisle United
58' Garner pushed over 25 yards out, free kick for us on our left.
1 - 1 #cufc