end of second half
3-0 | Goal - Mitchell Pinnock , Northampton Town
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
2-0 | G - Jay Williams , Northampton Town
1-0 | Goal - Tariqe Fosu , Northampton Town
Match kickoff
Gabriel Martinelli has been directly involved in more goals vs. Liverpool than any other side in his career: 10 games 5 goals 2 assists Four of his five goals against the Reds have put Arsenal in the lead. #ARSLIV
Crawley Town VS Northampton Town
end of second half
Northampton Town VS Crawley Town
3-0 | Goal - Mitchell Pinnock , Northampton Town
Crawley Town VS Northampton Town
Start of 2nd half
Crawley Town VS Northampton Town
end of first half
Northampton Town VS Crawley Town
2-0 | G - Jay Williams , Northampton Town
Northampton Town VS Crawley Town
1-0 | Goal - Tariqe Fosu , Northampton Town
Crawley Town VS Northampton Town
Match kickoff
Northampton Town VS Crawley Town
Gabriel Martinelli has been directly involved in more goals vs. Liverpool than any other side in his career:
10 games
5 goals
2 assists
Four of his five goals against the Reds have put Arsenal in the lead.