end of second half
3-1 | Goal - Corey Blackett-Taylor , Charlton Athletic
Boban Tedi @TennaiW Watson overlaps May and picks out Tedi, who converts in front of the Covered End! COME ONNNNN!! 2-1 | #cafc
The visitors make their first switch 1-1 | #cafc
80' Our final three changes... Ness @TennaiW Tedi @Big_Hec35 Abankwah @tyreececampbel 1-1 | #cafc
79' Booking for Anderson. He fouls Hanlan. 1-1 | #cafc
69' Our second switch sees Chuks come on... Aneke @MilesLeaburn Great shift, Miles! 1-1 | #cafc
67' Big block from Jones He diverts Scowen's goalbound strike behind for a Chairboys corner. 1-1 | #cafc
64' Booking for Thomas. He's seen to have fouled Scowen. 1-1 | #cafc
62' Time for our first change... @k_aando Louie Watson Well played, Louie! 1-1 | #cafc
61' Close from McCleary He cuts inside and thunders wide. 1-1 | #cafc
56' Booking for Dobson. He's adjudged to have fouled Hanlan. 1-1 | #cafc
Wycombe Wanderers VS Charlton Athletic
end of second half
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
3-1 | Goal - Corey Blackett-Taylor , Charlton Athletic
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
Boban Tedi
Watson overlaps May and picks out Tedi, who converts in front of the Covered End!
2-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
The visitors make their first switch
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
80' Our final three changes...
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
79' Booking for Anderson.
He fouls Hanlan.
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
69' Our second switch sees Chuks come on...
Great shift, Miles!
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
67' Big block from Jones
He diverts Scowen's goalbound strike behind for a Chairboys corner.
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
64' Booking for Thomas.
He's seen to have fouled Scowen.
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
62' Time for our first change...
Louie Watson
Well played, Louie!
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
61' Close from McCleary
He cuts inside and thunders wide.
1-1 | #cafc
Charlton Athletic VS Wycombe Wanderers
56' Booking for Dobson.
He's adjudged to have fouled Hanlan.
1-1 | #cafc