end of second half
63' El Mizouni shot hit the side netting as Pigott got the cross in. 0 - 1 #cufc
62' Corner half cleared then Gibson's shot was blocked. 0 - 1 #cufc
61' Garner tripped, free kick for us in a good crossing position about 25 yards out. 0 - 1 #cufc
61' Garner got his head on Moxon's free kick but the keeper pushed it behind for a corner. 0 - 1 #cufc
58' Sotiriou replaced by Drinan for Orient. 0 - 1 #cufc
55' Dangerous Moxon corner went all the way through, just needed a touch. 0 - 1 #cufc
54' Headed behind for another corner. 0 - 1 #cufc
53' Gibson cross needed tipped over the bar by the keeper, corner. 0 - 1 #cufc
Second half is under way #cufc newsandstar.co.uk/news/23855 newsandstar.co.uk/news/23855
A massive thank you to all of today's travelling O's!
Leyton Orient VS Carlisle United
end of second half
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
63' El Mizouni shot hit the side netting as Pigott got the cross in.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
62' Corner half cleared then Gibson's shot was blocked.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
61' Garner tripped, free kick for us in a good crossing position about 25 yards out.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
61' Garner got his head on Moxon's free kick but the keeper pushed it behind for a corner.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
58' Sotiriou replaced by Drinan for Orient.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
55' Dangerous Moxon corner went all the way through, just needed a touch.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
54' Headed behind for another corner.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
53' Gibson cross needed tipped over the bar by the keeper, corner.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
Second half is under way #cufc
Carlisle United VS Leyton Orient
A massive thank you to all of today's travelling O's!