end of second half
0-4 | Goal - Ryan Bennett , Cambridge United
0-3 | Goal - Elias Kachunga , Cambridge United
0-2 | G - Sam Lavelle , Cambridge United
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Work to do in the second-half. Keep battling, lads! #cufc
Behind at the break. #cufc
48' Mellish and Taylor booked for a coming together on the floor. 0 - 1 #cufc
47' Ellis played the ball into the box for Mellish, he turned well and looked like he was taken down but nothing given again by the ref. 0 - 1 #cufc
Four minutes added. 0 - 1 #cufc
32' Andrew free kick from 30 yards went just wide for Cambridge. 0 - 1 #cufc
28' Taken short then Diamond's cross was too close to the keeper. 0 - 1 #cufc
29' Cambridge corner now. 0 - 1 #cufc
28' Diamond cross deflected behind for a corner for us. 0 - 1 #cufc
24' Nice Gibson cross, Vela got his head on it but the keeper held it. 0 - 1 #cufc
Cambridge United VS Carlisle United
end of second half
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
0-4 | Goal - Ryan Bennett , Cambridge United
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
0-3 | Goal - Elias Kachunga , Cambridge United
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
0-2 | G - Sam Lavelle , Cambridge United
Cambridge United VS Carlisle United
Start of 2nd half
Cambridge United VS Carlisle United
end of first half
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
Work to do in the second-half.
Keep battling, lads!
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
Behind at the break.
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
48' Mellish and Taylor booked for a coming together on the floor.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
47' Ellis played the ball into the box for Mellish, he turned well and looked like he was taken down but nothing given again by the ref.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
Four minutes added.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
32' Andrew free kick from 30 yards went just wide for Cambridge.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
28' Taken short then Diamond's cross was too close to the keeper.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
29' Cambridge corner now.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
28' Diamond cross deflected behind for a corner for us.
0 - 1 #cufc
Carlisle United VS Cambridge United
24' Nice Gibson cross, Vela got his head on it but the keeper held it.
0 - 1 #cufc