end of second half
3-0 | Goal - Jordan Rhodes , Blackpool FC
88' Robinson booked now. 2 - 0 #cufc
86' Half cleared then Gibson's shot went wide. 2 - 0 #cufc
84' Robinson sent Gibson away but his shot was held by the keeper. 2 - 0 #cufc
80' Dangerous Armer cross but McCalmont put it over the bar under pressure. 2 - 0 #cufc
78' Barclay header went wide from Gibson's cross. 2 - 0 #cufc
77' Garner replaced by Edmondson for us. 2 - 0 #cufc
74' Corner cleared then a Blackpool man is down with a head injury so the ref has stopped it. 2 - 0 #cufc
73' Armer cross deflected behind for a corner. 2 - 0 #cufc
69' Armer got on the end of Emmanuel's cross but the keeper held it. 2 - 0 #cufc
GOAL for Blackpool - Rhodes scored #cufc
Carlisle United VS Blackpool FC
end of second half
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
3-0 | Goal - Jordan Rhodes , Blackpool FC
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
88' Robinson booked now.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
86' Half cleared then Gibson's shot went wide.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
84' Robinson sent Gibson away but his shot was held by the keeper.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
80' Dangerous Armer cross but McCalmont put it over the bar under pressure.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
78' Barclay header went wide from Gibson's cross.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
77' Garner replaced by Edmondson for us.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
74' Corner cleared then a Blackpool man is down with a head injury so the ref has stopped it.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
73' Armer cross deflected behind for a corner.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
69' Armer got on the end of Emmanuel's cross but the keeper held it.
2 - 0 #cufc
Blackpool FC VS Carlisle United
GOAL for Blackpool - Rhodes scored #cufc