end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Ashley Chambers , Coalville Town
1-0 | Goal - Ashley Chambers , Coalville Town
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
HT: Coalville Town 0-0 Walsall Wood. More needed from both sides if they want to progress.
McGlinchey breaks free from a shirt pull to curl a shot on goal but the keeper pushes it away acrobatically. 0-0.
Good defending from the visitors to block Yorks low cross after a neat move down the right. 0-0.
McGlinchey with a good ball over the top to Cook who lifts the ball over the keeper but well wide. 0-0.
Deep free kick and Carter clatters the keeper, both sides struggling for clear cut chances. 0-0.
Cook drags a shot wide. 0-0.
Long range free kick hit miles over by Woods number 10. 0-0.
First chance for Town as Pennant drives into the box and sets up Berridge but he shoots wide on the stretch. 0-0.
Shot goes wide for Walsall Wood who have started bright. 0-0.
Walsall Wood VS Coalville Town
end of second half
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
2-0 | Goal - Ashley Chambers , Coalville Town
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
1-0 | Goal - Ashley Chambers , Coalville Town
Walsall Wood VS Coalville Town
Start of 2nd half
Walsall Wood VS Coalville Town
end of first half
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
HT: Coalville Town 0-0 Walsall Wood.
More needed from both sides if they want to progress.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
McGlinchey breaks free from a shirt pull to curl a shot on goal but the keeper pushes it away acrobatically. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
Good defending from the visitors to block Yorks low cross after a neat move down the right. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
McGlinchey with a good ball over the top to Cook who lifts the ball over the keeper but well wide. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
Deep free kick and Carter clatters the keeper, both sides struggling for clear cut chances. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
Cook drags a shot wide. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
Long range free kick hit miles over by Woods number 10. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
First chance for Town as Pennant drives into the box and sets up Berridge but he shoots wide on the stretch. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood
Shot goes wide for Walsall Wood who have started bright. 0-0.
Coalville Town VS Walsall Wood