end of second half
2-2 | Goal - Canice Carroll , Oxford City
60 Oxford substitution. SAFC 2-1 OCFC #safclive
60| 2-1 | #OCFC Sub for City: OFF: Fonkeu ON: Kirby
56 Goal for Oxford. Sanderson pulls one back for the away side. SAFC 2-1 OCFC #safclive
53 GOAL FOR BORO!!! Tear pounces at the deflection from Haigh to double our lead! @16Tear SAFC 2-0 OCFC #safclive
56| 2-1 | #OCFC GOAL! Sanderson chips Cracknell whilst 1v1. Game on.
53| 2-0 | #OCFC Goal. Goal Scarborough Dom Tear.
50| 1-0 | #OCFC Barnes sends a curling effort into the hands of Chris Haigh.
46| 1-0 | #OCFC Were back underway!
Behind at the break. #OCFC
45'| 1-0 | #OCFC Five minutes added.
Oxford City VS Scarborough Athletic
end of second half
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
2-2 | Goal - Canice Carroll , Oxford City
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
60 Oxford substitution.
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
60| 2-1 | #OCFC
Sub for City:
OFF: Fonkeu
ON: Kirby
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
56 Goal for Oxford.
Sanderson pulls one back for the away side.
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
Tear pounces at the deflection from Haigh to double our lead!
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
56| 2-1 | #OCFC
GOAL! Sanderson chips Cracknell whilst 1v1. Game on.
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
53| 2-0 | #OCFC
Goal. Goal Scarborough Dom Tear.
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
50| 1-0 | #OCFC
Barnes sends a curling effort into the hands of Chris Haigh.
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
46| 1-0 | #OCFC
Were back underway!
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
Behind at the break.
Scarborough Athletic VS Oxford City
45'| 1-0 | #OCFC
Five minutes added.