end of second half
1-0 | Goal - Tyrone Marsh , Boreham Wood
70' Close for Boreham Wood as Pitterson makes a catch at the second time of asking in a crowded box. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
66' CHANCE Bush's long throw is flicked on, it falls to Angelo who's effort is blocked and easily claimed by Pitterson 0- 0 #WeAreTheWood
60' The Wings are more than holding their own here as we pass the hour mark. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
57' CHANCE Angelo fires goalwards from just inside the area, he forces Pitterson into a save 0- 0 #WeAreTheWood
59' Tanga's shot from the left takes a deflection on its way through and Ashmore keeps a hold of it. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
57' Well held by Pitterson who gets right behind Balanta's effort in the box. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
55' Welling on the attack agaiin as the heavens open and rain beats down - Abrahams forces a corner. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
56' Green shifts from the right and sends a shot just over from 25 yards. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
51' CHANCE! Good build-up from the Wings as Adom crosses low nto the box, Tanga just needs the slightest of touches to turn it in but it evades him. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
52' Pitterson gets down well to his right to keep out Ndlovu from the edge of the box. [#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Welling United VS Boreham Wood
end of second half
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
1-0 | Goal - Tyrone Marsh , Boreham Wood
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
70' Close for Boreham Wood as Pitterson makes a catch at the second time of asking in a crowded box.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
Bush's long throw is flicked on, it falls to Angelo who's effort is blocked and easily claimed by Pitterson
0- 0
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
60' The Wings are more than holding their own here as we pass the hour mark.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
Angelo fires goalwards from just inside the area, he forces Pitterson into a save
0- 0
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
59' Tanga's shot from the left takes a deflection on its way through and Ashmore keeps a hold of it.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
57' Well held by Pitterson who gets right behind Balanta's effort in the box.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
55' Welling on the attack agaiin as the heavens open and rain beats down - Abrahams forces a corner.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
56' Green shifts from the right and sends a shot just over from 25 yards.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
51' CHANCE! Good build-up from the Wings as Adom crosses low nto the box, Tanga just needs the slightest of touches to turn it in but it evades him.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]
Boreham Wood VS Welling United
52' Pitterson gets down well to his right to keep out Ndlovu from the edge of the box.
[#WeAreTheWood 0-0 #WeAreWings]