end of second half
2-3 | Goal - Josh Coburn , Middlesbrough
2-2 | Goal - Wesley Hoedt , Watford FC
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
We lead at the break thanks to @McgreeRiley's double #UTB
39 | Paddy McNair is well-positioned to block at the front post after Jeremy Ngakia got to the byline 1-2 #UTB
36 | We're forced into an early change here 1-2 #UTB
36 | Howson dinks in a cross that is just too high for @mdrcrooks in the middle 1-2 #UTB
30 | Imran Louza loops a volley over from the edge of #Boro's area 1-2 #UTB
29 | Good block from @HackneyHayden as Yaser Asprilla broke through the lines 1-2 #UTB
24 | Chance for Bayo again as he steps round Dieng but slices wide 1-2 #UTB
19 | Goal for Watford. Vakoun Bayo gets one back 1-2 #UTB
12 | Beautiful touch from @McgreeRiley to take in Seny Dieng's long kick, the Aussie sprays it wide then gets in back in the middle to finish first-time!!! CLASS!!! 0-2 #UTB
Middlesbrough VS Watford FC
end of second half
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
2-3 | Goal - Josh Coburn , Middlesbrough
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
2-2 | Goal - Wesley Hoedt , Watford FC
Middlesbrough VS Watford FC
Start of 2nd half
Middlesbrough VS Watford FC
end of first half
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
We lead at the break thanks to @McgreeRiley's double #UTB
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
39 | Paddy McNair is well-positioned to block at the front post after Jeremy Ngakia got to the byline
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
36 | We're forced into an early change here
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
36 | Howson dinks in a cross that is just too high for @mdrcrooks in the middle
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
30 | Imran Louza loops a volley over from the edge of #Boro's area
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
29 | Good block from @HackneyHayden as Yaser Asprilla broke through the lines
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
24 | Chance for Bayo again as he steps round Dieng but slices wide
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
19 | Goal for Watford. Vakoun Bayo gets one back
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
Watford FC VS Middlesbrough
12 | Beautiful touch from @McgreeRiley to take in Seny Dieng's long kick, the Aussie sprays it wide then gets in back in the middle to finish first-time!!! CLASS!!!