90' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers A minimum of five minutes added on. #WATvROV
89' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers Buckley's free-kick is headed across by Rankin-Costello and drops to Dolan, who sends it over the bar. #WATvROV
88' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers Ebosele booked for a foul on Ohashi. #WATvROV
87' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers A corner is played short to Buckley, who sends it into the box for Batth to head, but it's wide. #WATvROV
86' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers Vata whistles a shot just past the post from 20 yards out. #WATvROV
81' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers Brittain swings in a cross, Ohashi's header loops off target. #WATvROV
@UtilinkConsult 78' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers The other changes: Lewis Travis & Ryan Hedges John Buckley & Joe Rankin-Costello @UtilinkConsult | #WATvROV https://t.co/p4C8UWJwZf
78' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers Triple change, first: Andi Weimann Arnor Sigurdsson @UtilinkConsult | #WATvROV https://t.co/dB5W8YI6Wt
end of second half
Edinho. https://t.co/jE9NPjQXUn
Kayembe sends Pears the wrong way with a perfect pen! 1-0 | 72' https://t.co/m2Sb8YFmyl
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
90' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
A minimum of five minutes added on.
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
89' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
Buckley's free-kick is headed across by Rankin-Costello and drops to Dolan, who sends it over the bar.
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
88' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
Ebosele booked for a foul on Ohashi.
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
87' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
A corner is played short to Buckley, who sends it into the box for Batth to head, but it's wide.
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
86' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
Vata whistles a shot just past the post from 20 yards out.
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
81' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
Brittain swings in a cross, Ohashi's header loops off target.
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
@UtilinkConsult 78' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
The other changes:
Lewis Travis & Ryan Hedges
John Buckley & Joe Rankin-Costello
@UtilinkConsult | #WATvROV https://t.co/p4C8UWJwZf
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
78' #WatfordFC 1-0 #Rovers
Triple change, first:
Andi Weimann
Arnor Sigurdsson
@UtilinkConsult | #WATvROV https://t.co/dB5W8YI6Wt
Blackburn Rovers VS Watford FC
end of second half
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
Edinho. https://t.co/jE9NPjQXUn
Watford FC VS Blackburn Rovers
Kayembe sends Pears the wrong way with a perfect pen!
1-0 | 72' https://t.co/m2Sb8YFmyl