That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Sinclair Armstrong is shown a yellow card by the referee
We enter a minimum of seven added minutes. #PORBRC 3-0 [90+1]
Armstrong sees a shot saved. #PORBRC 3-0 [86]
Two further changes. #PORBRC 3-0 [80]
end of second half
Portsmouth make a substitution. Josh Murphy runs off the field and in comes Elias Soerensen
Paddy Lane is shown a yellow card by the referee
Callum Lang is shown a yellow card by the referee
Bristol City make a substitution. Anis Mehmeti runs off the field and in comes Samuel Bell
Bristol City make a substitution. Cameron Pring runs off the field and in comes Haydon Roberts
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Sinclair Armstrong is shown a yellow card by the referee
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
We enter a minimum of seven added minutes.
#PORBRC 3-0 [90+1]
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Armstrong sees a shot saved.
#PORBRC 3-0 [86]
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Two further changes.
#PORBRC 3-0 [80]
Bristol City VS Portsmouth
end of second half
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Portsmouth make a substitution. Josh Murphy runs off the field and in comes Elias Soerensen
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Paddy Lane is shown a yellow card by the referee
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Callum Lang is shown a yellow card by the referee
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Bristol City make a substitution. Anis Mehmeti runs off the field and in comes Samuel Bell
Portsmouth VS Bristol City
Bristol City make a substitution. Cameron Pring runs off the field and in comes Haydon Roberts