end of second half
0-2 | Goal - Samuel Silvera , Middlesbrough
1-2 | Goal - Jonathan Rowe , Norwich City
55 | Swift #Boro counter ends with Long saving @mdrcrooks's shot with his outstretched leg 0-1 #UTB
53 | Nunez's whipped effort rattles the #Boro crossbar 0-1 #UTB
50 | @__isaiahjones floats in a cross from the right, @mdrcrooks powers his header over 0-1 #UTB
46 | PERFECT START TO THE HALF! @HackneyHayden slots through to @Jcoburn06, who unselfishly squares for Sam Greenwood to blast home!!! 0-1 #UTB
46 | The game resumes. COME ON #BORO!!!! 0-0 #UTB
Scoreless so far #UTB
38 | @mdrcrooks flicks a header over from Jonny Howson's free-kick delivered from wide on the right 0-0 #UTB
33 | OFF THE LINE! Shane Duffy slides in to keep out @HackneyHayden's drilled shot that had beaten Long! 0-0 #UTB
32 | Lovely cross-field pass from @__isaiahjones to Lukas Engel, whose dipping volley flashes over! 0-0 #UTB
Middlesbrough VS Norwich City
end of second half
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
0-2 | Goal - Samuel Silvera , Middlesbrough
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
1-2 | Goal - Jonathan Rowe , Norwich City
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
55 | Swift #Boro counter ends with Long saving @mdrcrooks's shot with his outstretched leg
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
53 | Nunez's whipped effort rattles the #Boro crossbar
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
50 | @__isaiahjones floats in a cross from the right, @mdrcrooks powers his header over
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
46 | PERFECT START TO THE HALF! @HackneyHayden slots through to @Jcoburn06, who unselfishly squares for Sam Greenwood to blast home!!!
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
46 | The game resumes. COME ON #BORO!!!!
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
Scoreless so far #UTB
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
38 | @mdrcrooks flicks a header over from Jonny Howson's free-kick delivered from wide on the right
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
33 | OFF THE LINE! Shane Duffy slides in to keep out @HackneyHayden's drilled shot that had beaten Long!
Norwich City VS Middlesbrough
32 | Lovely cross-field pass from @__isaiahjones to Lukas Engel, whose dipping volley flashes over!