That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Burnley make a substitution. Josh Brownhill runs off the field and in comes Lyle Foster
A point apiece #MIDBUR #UTB
90 | Three minutes have been added 0-0 #MIDBUR #UTB
86 | Yellow for Koleosho as Engel is fouled just outside the area. 0-0 #MIDBUR #UTB
83 | Burnley's Roberts goes into the book. 0-0 #MIDBUR #UTB
81 | A third substitution for Boro 0-0 #MIDBUR #UTB
80 | McGree fires wide from distance for Boro. 0-0 #MIDBUR #UTB
77 | Big chance for the visitors as Brownhill shoots over from 10 yards. 0-0 #MIDBUR #UTB
Luca Koleosho is shown a yellow card by the referee
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
Burnley make a substitution. Josh Brownhill runs off the field and in comes Lyle Foster
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
A point apiece
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
90 | Three minutes have been added
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
86 | Yellow for Koleosho as Engel is fouled just outside the area.
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
83 | Burnley's Roberts goes into the book.
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
81 | A third substitution for Boro
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
80 | McGree fires wide from distance for Boro.
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
77 | Big chance for the visitors as Brownhill shoots over from 10 yards.
Middlesbrough VS Burnley
Luca Koleosho is shown a yellow card by the referee