end of second half
2-0 | Goal - Rubin Colwill , Cardiff City
Yeboah goes down in the area and Cardiff City have a free-kick. #CARBRC 1-0 [83]
82 - @MarkMcguinness0' header is held. (1-0) #CityAsOne
80 - O'Leary picks up the ball under pressure. Looked a clear back pass. Not given. (1-0) #CityAsOne
77 - Ng, you hero! Brilliant sliding tackle to stop a dangerous counter. (1-0) #CityAsOne
Conway brings the ball down on his chest, makes space for a shot from around 25 yards out but it's off target. #CARBRC 1-0 [75]
74 - Tanner's low ball across the box is held. (1-0) #CityAsOne
72 - @IUgbo replaces @Yaks75. (1-0) #CityAsOne
Our third change comes as Jamie Knight-Lebel comes on for his debut, replacing Joseph James. #CARBRC 1-0 [73]
72 - Ollie replaces @JoshBowler10. (1-0) #CityAsOne
Into the final 20, come on City. #CARBRC 1-0 [71]
Bristol City VS Cardiff City
end of second half
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
2-0 | Goal - Rubin Colwill , Cardiff City
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
Yeboah goes down in the area and Cardiff City have a free-kick.
#CARBRC 1-0 [83]
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
82 - @MarkMcguinness0' header is held. (1-0)
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
80 - O'Leary picks up the ball under pressure. Looked a clear back pass. Not given. (1-0)
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
77 - Ng, you hero! Brilliant sliding tackle to stop a dangerous counter. (1-0)
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
Conway brings the ball down on his chest, makes space for a shot from around 25 yards out but it's off target.
#CARBRC 1-0 [75]
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
74 - Tanner's low ball across the box is held. (1-0)
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
72 - @IUgbo replaces @Yaks75. (1-0)
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
Our third change comes as Jamie Knight-Lebel comes on for his debut, replacing Joseph James.
#CARBRC 1-0 [73]
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
72 - Ollie replaces @JoshBowler10. (1-0)
Cardiff City VS Bristol City
Into the final 20, come on City.
#CARBRC 1-0 [71]