Jaidon Anthony is shown a yellow card by the referee
Burnley make a substitution. Lyle Foster runs off the field and in comes Ashley Barnes
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
James Trafford is shown a yellow card by the referee
Daniel Ballard is shown a yellow card by the referee
85' Penalty saved by Trafford!!! 0-0
83' Penalty to Sunderland. 0-0
82' Two more changes as we enter the final stages Sonne & Koleosho Roberts & Brownhill 0-0
68' First change of the evening for Scott Parker Sarmiento Flemming 0-0
67' Flemming goes down inside the area but penalty claims are waved away by referee Anthony Backhouse and Patterson claims possession 0-0
Burnley VS Sunderland
Jaidon Anthony is shown a yellow card by the referee
Burnley VS Sunderland
Burnley make a substitution. Lyle Foster runs off the field and in comes Ashley Barnes
Burnley VS Sunderland
That's it! The referee blows the final whistle
Burnley VS Sunderland
James Trafford is shown a yellow card by the referee
Burnley VS Sunderland
Daniel Ballard is shown a yellow card by the referee
Burnley VS Sunderland
85' Penalty saved by Trafford!!!
Burnley VS Sunderland
83' Penalty to Sunderland.
Burnley VS Sunderland
82' Two more changes as we enter the final stages
Sonne & Koleosho
Roberts & Brownhill
Burnley VS Sunderland
68' First change of the evening for Scott Parker
Burnley VS Sunderland
67' Flemming goes down inside the area but penalty claims are waved away by referee Anthony Backhouse and Patterson claims possession