end of second half
0-3 | Goal - E. Diouf , Slavia Praha
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Ladies and gentlemen, its matchday #karsla
0-2 | Goal - Mojmir Chytil , Slavia Praha
0-1 | G - Amar Memić , Slavia Praha
Match kickoff
Slavia Praha VS MFK Karvina
end of second half
MFK Karvina VS Slavia Praha
0-3 | Goal - E. Diouf , Slavia Praha
Slavia Praha VS MFK Karvina
Start of 2nd half
Slavia Praha VS MFK Karvina
end of first half
MFK Karvina VS Slavia Praha
Ladies and gentlemen, its matchday
MFK Karvina VS Slavia Praha
0-2 | Goal - Mojmir Chytil , Slavia Praha
MFK Karvina VS Slavia Praha
0-1 | G - Amar Memić , Slavia Praha
Slavia Praha VS MFK Karvina
Match kickoff