84' | Substitution Fabian Talladira Jonny Yull Zach Clough Jake Porter 5-1 #WSWvADL
81' | Get in Zach Clough bring us into the game. 5-1 #WSWvADL
71' | Substitution Bernardo Luka Jovanovi 5-0 #WSWvADL
end of second half
5-1 | Goal - Zach Clough , Adelaide United
56' | Goal scored by Western Sydney Wanderers. 5-0 #WSWvADL
54' | Substitution Alexandar Popovi Lachlan Barr Isaas Ethan Alagich 4-0 #WSWvADL
53' | Goal scored by Western Sydney Wanderers. 4-0 #WSWvADL
46' | We're back underway! 3-0 #WSWvADL
HT | Down at half-time. Keep pushing reds 3-0 #WSWvADL
Beadling finds Borrello in space and he does what he does best. Mr Shoot n' Score. 5-0 #WSW #WSWvADL
56' | We make our first substitution with goalscorer Ninkovic coming off for Milanovic. 5-0 #WSW #WSWvADL
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
84' | Substitution
Fabian Talladira
Jonny Yull
Zach Clough
Jake Porter
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
81' | Get in
Zach Clough bring us into the game.
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
71' | Substitution
Luka Jovanovi
Adelaide United VS Western Sydney Wanderers
end of second half
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
5-1 | Goal - Zach Clough , Adelaide United
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
56' | Goal scored by Western Sydney Wanderers.
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
54' | Substitution
Alexandar Popovi
Lachlan Barr
Ethan Alagich
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
53' | Goal scored by Western Sydney Wanderers.
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
46' | We're back underway!
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
HT | Down at half-time. Keep pushing reds
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
Beadling finds Borrello in space and he does what he does best. Mr Shoot n' Score.
Western Sydney Wanderers VS Adelaide United
56' | We make our first substitution with goalscorer Ninkovic coming off for Milanovic.