end of second half
0-1 | Goal - Matias Galarza , Talleres Cordoba
Start of 2nd half
end of first half
Juan Portillo is shown a yellow card by the referee
Match kickoff
The referee starts the match
Talleres Cordoba VS Godoy Cruz
end of second half
Godoy Cruz VS Talleres Cordoba
0-1 | Goal - Matias Galarza , Talleres Cordoba
Talleres Cordoba VS Godoy Cruz
Start of 2nd half
Talleres Cordoba VS Godoy Cruz
end of first half
Godoy Cruz VS Talleres Cordoba
Juan Portillo is shown a yellow card by the referee
Talleres Cordoba VS Godoy Cruz
Match kickoff
Godoy Cruz VS Talleres Cordoba
The referee starts the match